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We offer Proven Quality concrete cleaners for commercial, residential and industrial use.

If you have interior concrete or terrazzo, and you're looking for a good cleaner to clean and maintain the floor, then our GlossClean is a good choice.

This is a neutral  pH balanced  green cleaner. It’s a concentrate that’s very easy to use. It’s very economical, and it won't leave a residue. This product is ideal for commercial and residential cleaning.

If you have more of a greasy floor, oily floor - maybe in a restaurant or in a shopping mall - and you need to remove that grease, or stop the floor from being slippery, the Emerald cleaner, is an excellent choice.

It's an enzyme-based green cleaner that will digest and remove that oil. Again, it's  non toix very safe to use indoors on concrete, natural stone tile and grout.
It won't leave a residue. It's a concentrate so it's also very economical.

If you have more of a warehouse, workshop or industrial environment, and you need to clean oil from the floor daily, then you can use our SurfaceClean.

This is a concentrate alkaline cleaner. It's a professional grade degreaser that you can dilute to suit your cleaning needs. It's very cost-effective to clean off stains from hard surface floors.  When applied undiluted it can be used for stripping acylic and latex paint


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The Best Concrete Cleaners for Perfectly Cleaned Surfaces

When you need to clean and restore your concrete surfaces, you don't want to just use any old cleaner. Concrete is a type of material that can be a tough adversary when it comes to getting it clean, so you'll need something special to make sure your surfaces are perfect. That's why in this blog post, we're taking a look at the best concrete cleaners for perfectly cleaned surfaces, so you never have to worry about dealing with a mess again. We're going to talk about why you need a specific cleaner for concrete, which cleaners work best, and advice on how to use them. So put on your cleaning hat, it's time to get your concrete surfaces spick and span.

Quick Response:

A good concrete cleaner for most surfaces will usually be composed of specialty surfactants, detergents, and soil lipids. It is best to test a small area before applying a cleaning solution to an entire surface.

Highly effective concrete cleaners for most surfaces typically consists of specialty surfactants, detergents, and soil lipids.

Types of Concrete Cleaners

When it comes to cleaning concrete, there are various types of concrete cleaners available on the market. To understand which one is the most suitable for your specific needs, it's important to consider the type of cleaner being used and its capabilities.

The four main categories of concrete cleaners include alkaline, acid, solvent and microbial solutions. Alkaline cleaners contain a mild-to-strong base such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide which helps to break down stubborn grease and grime on concrete surfaces. Acid cleaners utilize hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid to dissolve mineral based stains from solid surfaces.. Solvent-based cleaners work by dissolving oils and other contaminants, allowing them to be easily wiped away.

Microbial-based concrete cleaners are a relatively new type of cleaner that is becoming increasingly popular for concrete surfaces. They work by introducing beneficial microorganisms to the surface that break down organic materials such as oils, fats, and proteins.

While all four types of concrete cleaners have their distinct pros and cons, some may argue that alkaline cleaners are more effective at removing tough dirt and grime than any other type. They are often recommended for deep cleaning applications as they are better able to penetrate deep into porous materials for a more thorough cleaning. On the other acid-based cleaners are better suited for cleaning mineral deposits and efflorescence. Ultimately, when it comes to selecting the best concrete cleaner for best results consideration should be given to the type of contaminants that need to be cleaned or removed from the concrete.

Now that we've discussed the various types of concrete cleaners available, let's move on to the next section where we will explore alkaline cleaners in greater detail.

Alkaline Cleaners

Alkaline cleaners (detergents) are a common option when it comes to concrete cleaning. They work by breaking down and removing stubborn dirt, grease, oil, and other debris from the surface of concrete. They are usually mixed with either hot or cold water and applied to the surface prior to scrubbing. Some alkaline cleaners even contain chemicals that break down organic materials such as plants, grass, and dirt that can build up on concrete surfaces.

Alkaline concrete cleaners - or detergents - are a widely accepted solution for cleaning concrete surfaces.

The main benefit of using alkaline cleaners is that they often require less labor since they are able to break down tougher deposits. This makes them a time-saving choice for larger projects where time is a factor. In addition, these cleaners are typically cheaper than acid counterparts and come in large containers making them ideal for covering larger surface areas with limited product waste.

On the downside, some people may find alkaline cleaners harsh or irritating due to their use of abrasive ingredients. It’s always important to read the safety information on any cleaner before use so you can take necessary precautions if needed. Furthermore, it may be difficult to determine which alkaline cleaner provides the best results for your particular project as there are many different types available on the market today.

Lastly, alkaline cleaners are often used in combination with acid cleansers to effectively remove tough buildup from concrete surfaces quickly and efficiently. The acid cleaner is used first to loosen the dirt and grime and an alkaline cleaner used to wash of the residue and neutralize the acid . This is why testing various products is highly recommended in order to get the best possible results for your project.

With this in mind, we now turn our attention to acid cleansers – another type of cleaner that has become popular for cleaning concrete surfaces perfectly clean.

- According to a 2017 survey of those in the cleaning industry, the most popular choice for a concrete cleaner is TSP or Trisodium Phosphate.
- A study published in 2010 found that combining acidic and alkaline products can work together to achieve optimal results when cleaning concrete surfaces.
- According to a 2020 survey, up to 65% of professional cleaners recommend using natural cleaning products such as microbial based cleaners, enzymatic solutions baking soda, and even vinegar on certain surfaces such as concrete.

Acid Cleaners

Acid cleaners are are particularly effective at removing mineral stains such as rust, calcium, and efflorescence. Acid-based cleaners work by reacting with the minerals in the stains, breaking down their chemical bonds and allowing them to be easily rinsed away Acidic cleaners are also highly effective at eliminating mold and mildew making them particularly valuable in areas where these undesirables grow. While the robust cleaning power of an acid cleaner is a definite plus, it is important to remember that they can be corrosive and harmful to certain surfaces. Before using an acid cleaner on concrete, it is essential to read the label thoroughly to make sure that it is suitable for use on the surface being cleaned.

In addition, when rinsing off acid cleaners always rinse with large amounts of water and avoid contact with non-metal materials like wood, porous stones, and other fabrics as they may be damaged by the strength of the cleaner. It is also advised to check before using an acidic cleaner if there is any nearby vegetation that could be harmed by the residue from the cleaning process. Furthermore, those handling an acid cleaner should take precautions by wearing appropriate safety gear like gloves, eye protection, and a dust mask during application.

On balance, when used correctly acid cleaners offer exceptional cleaning power for concrete surfaces afflicted with tougher stains or mold and mildew.. However, it is important to remember that their corrosive nature means extra care must be taken in their application. With that in mind now we turn our attention to another popular option for cleaning concrete - detergents....

Must-Know Summary Points:

Acid cleaners are an effective option to remove tough stains from concrete surfaces. They are particularly valuable in removing oil, grease, rust, mildews and mosses. However, they must be used with caution as they are corrosive and potentially damaging to certain surfaces. It is important to read the label thoroughly before use and wear protective gear such as gloves, eye protection, and a dust mask when applying. Rinsing with large amounts of water can also help to avoid damage to non-metal materials. Solvents are another popular alternative for cleaning concrete surfaces.

Solvent-Based Concrete Cleaners

Solvent-based concrete cleaners or degreasers are a third type of cleaner that is commonly used for concrete surfaces. They are particularly effective at removing oil-based stains such as grease, tar, and asphalt. Solvent-based cleaners work by dissolving the oils and other contaminants, allowing them to be easily wiped away.

One popular example of a solvent-based concrete cleaner is xylene. Xylene is a highly effective solvent that is commonly used for cleaning concrete surfaces in industrial settings. However, it is also highly flammable and can be dangerous to handle, so it should be used with caution.

Microbial-Based Concrete Cleaners

Microbial-based concrete cleaners work by introducing beneficial microorganisms to the surface that break down organic materials such as oils, fats, and proteins. Microbial-based cleaners are typically applied as a spray or foam and allowed to sit for several hours or overnight. After the cleaner has had time to work, the surface can be rinsed clean.

One popular example of a microbial-based concrete cleaner is Bacillus bacteria. Bacillus bacteria are commonly found in soil and are highly effective at breaking down organic materials. They are safe to use, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly, making them an excellent choice for cleaning concrete surfaces.

Cleaning Concrete Surfaces

When it comes to cleaning concrete surfaces, there are many different approaches and techniques. Depending on the size of the project, there are a variety of solutions that can help get the job done quickly and effectively. For small areas, chemical cleaners can provide a deep clean without the need for extra power. However, when faced with larger spaces or stubborn materials, you will have to move up to higher levels of power.

Here we will dive into the pros and cons of each approach for cleaning concrete surfaces. On one hand, chemical cleaners provide a fast and effective solution to clean almost any type of surface, from mildew and dirt to oil stains on driveways and sidewalks. Chemical cleaners often cut through tough grime with minimal effort and boast a wide range of solutions for variety of concrete needs.

On the other hand, pressure washing is often the best option for large areas or thick buildup that can not be removed by simple scrubbing or chemical application. Pressure washing typically uses high water pressure and detergents to strip away layers of dirt, mold and bacteria. But while it’s fast and powerful, pressure washing comes with some risks – such as damage to the concrete surface itself if not done correctly. It is also more expensive than chemical solutions due to the need for specialized equipment.

So ultimately when choosing which approach is right for cleaning concrete surfaces comes down to the size, condition and level of grime present in your particular project – while weighing out both cost effectiveness and safety concerns in mind. With all this in mind, let's move onto discussing the best ways to use pressure washing for perfectly cleaned surfaces, beginning with...

Pressure Washing

Pressure washing gives an effective and efficient way of cleaning large concrete surfaces. This method uses pressure to remove dirt, mold, and other grime from the surface of your concrete. The pressure from this type of cleaning can cause significant damage if it is not used appropriately. For instance, pressure washers can strip away layers of sealant or even cause pits to form in the surface of the concrete if you’re not careful.

Pressure washing provides a highly effective and efficient method for cleaning large concrete surfaces.

There are pros and cons when it comes to pressure washing as a concrete cleaning solution. Pressure washers can be especially helpful for exterior surfaces due to their ability to remove tough stains and dirt that accumulates over time. However, this process should always be done carefully, as too much pressure on the surface can cause severe damage. Professional contractors and experts may need to be consulted before proceeding with pressure washing as a cleaning solution.

Overall, while it can be an effective way to clean larger outdoor areas covered with concrete, extra care should be taken when using a pressure washer to avoid potential damage. Despite its potential drawbacks, however, when properly executed, pressure washing may produce superior results compared to other cleaning methods.

The next section will focus on removing stubborn stains from concrete – which specific cleaners work best for certain types of stains?

Removing Stains from Concrete

Stains on concrete are an eyesore and detract from a professional look and feel. Fortunately, there are several ways you can take on this difficult job to achieve perfectly clean surfaces. The first step is to identify the source of the stain so that a more appropriate cleaning solution can be used. For example, paint stains may require a different cleaner than oil stains.

No matter what the source of the stain, it’s better to take on the task early before it has time to set in and create permanent damage. To get started, use one of the following cleaning products: specially-formulated concrete cleaners, trisodium phosphate (TSP), or a scrub brush with dish soap. All are effective products but require special safety precautions and should only be handled by experienced professionals wearing protective gear such as masks and gloves.

When using special concrete cleaners, be sure to apply multiple times with a brush then rinse off completely. For TSP, wear gloves while mixing it with water in a bucket and apply using a garden sprayer or brush. As for dish soap, mix a generous amount with warm water then scrub with a stiff-bristle brush until the stain is lifted.

Finally, if all else fails, you could try removing the stain by sanding the surface or acid etching, although bear in mind that acid etching won’t work on all stains. Extreme care is necessary with acid cleaners. Acidic can ruin your concrete if used too much or too harshly. After each removal attempt, be sure to thoroughly rinse your concrete surface and let it dry before beginning the next cleaning process.

Knowing how to correctly handle and remove various stains from concrete surfaces is important for achieving that sought-after perfect clean finish. With the right tools in hand, anyone can take on this daunting task and make their outdoor space look new again. Next up: Mixing Cleaning Solutions for Perfectly Cleaned Concrete Surfaces.

Mixing Cleaning Solutions

When it comes to cleaning concrete surfaces, there are a variety of products that require careful mixing and dilution. Depending on the type of cleaner and the condition of the surface, this can be a delicate process. Some products require no dilution and for the best results should not be altered in any way. When it comes to mixing cleaning solutions, you must always follow the instructions on the label carefully, as some cleaners require specific concentrations for optimal performance. It is important to remember that when mixed incorrectly, cleaning solutions may be rendered useless or even hazardous.

When it comes to cleaning products containing acids, there is an additional concern as splashing could lead to serious skin or eye irritation. Acidic cleaners must always be kept away from metal fixtures, including pipes and door hardware, as these can corrode and cause irreparable damage. To ensure safety and proper performance, acid cleaning solutions should always be prepared in a well-ventilated area and with protective clothing (goggles, gloves, aprons) in place.

Different types of surface cleaners require different mixtures––instructions should always be followed carefully based on the product being used. As a general rule of thumb, it is good practice to mix slightly stronger than what is recommended in order to achieve your desired results.

Now that we have gone over the basics of mixing concrete surface cleaners, let's review some tips for keeping concrete clean with sealers in our upcoming section.

Keeping Concrete Clean with Sealers

Maintaining the cleanliness of concrete surfaces over time is an important factor to consider. Applying a sealer is one practical way to preserve the surface and keep it looking new for years. The most common type of sealers that are used for concrete include clear, acrylic, penetrating, and reactive.

Clear sealers are the most common type and are available in both water- and solvent-based options. They come in a variety of finishes such as matte, satin, glossy, and semi-gloss. While they protect against oil and water stains, they may not last as long as other seals due to their inability to resist UV rays.

Acrylic sealers also protect against oil and water stains while providing greater protection from UV rays than clear sealer. However, these sealers can yellow over time and should be reapplied regularly in order to maintain the look of the concrete.

Penetrating sealers penetrate deep into the pores of the concrete creating an invisible barrier that blocks contaminants from reaching the surface. This doesn’t provide a glossy finish so it can’t be used for aesthetic reasons, but it does offer superior protection from weathering and wear due to its ability to permeate deep into the structure of the concrete.

Reactive sealers require two components which chemically combine when applied over your concrete surface. They form a hard protective layer on top but won’t prevent moisture or air form escaping like some other types of sealers do. This type of sealer offers great water repellency, stain resistance, and superior UV protection making it a great option for outdoor concrete surfaces such as patios or driveways.

It is important to consider all factors when choosing which type of sealer will work best for your project needs as each will provide slightly different benefits depending on what you’re using it for. Now that we have discussed some key points about keeping concrete surfaces clean with sealers let us move on to discussing common mistakes made during the concrete cleaning process in our next section.

Common Concrete Cleaning Mistakes

When it comes to concrete cleaning, the effectiveness of the process ultimately depends on the ability of the person doing the job: from hosing down a small patio to pressure washing large driveways and walkways, mistakes can be easily made that will prevent concrete from becoming perfectly cleaned. Common mistakes made during concrete cleaning include:

1. Trying to clean green concrete:

Many people try to pressure wash or apply a cleaner while the concrete is still curing or green, which can lead to permanent discoloration due to dirt, salt, and other contaminants getting "baked" into the surface as it dries. Additionally, this often damages or degrades the top layer of sealer applied to concrete surfaces; therefore, it's best to let any freshly poured or unsealed concrete dry completely (28 days minimum) before proceeding with cleaning.

2. Using too much pressure:

When using either a power washer or other machinery on concrete surfaces, it’s easy to become overzealous and use too much pressure for the job at hand; this can cause serious damage by removing protective layers and etching away at underlying soft materials such as limestone or sandstone aggregate often used in making stronger concretes. Too much pressure can also cause “rippling” on flat surfaces resulting in a cloudy effect that ruins a smooth finish.

3. Not pre-treating tough stains:

When faced with especially tough stains (grease, oil spills, organic matter) on newly installed or existing concrete surfaces, it’s often tempting just to let the pressure washer take care of them right away; however this often doesn't work when trying to achieve perfect results. The best idea is to pre-treat these stubborn stains with specialized cleaners that are formulated specifically for tackling each type of stain; simply letting them sit for a few minutes prior to using a power washer should do the trick in most cases.

These are some of the most common mistakes made when cleaning concrete; by avoiding these mistakes and taking time and patience with each step of the cleaning process, it's possible to achieve perfectly cleaned surfaces every time.

Conclusion:  This section has examined some of the most common mistakes made when cleaning concrete and discussed why prevention is key for achieving perfect results. In our next section we will analyze some factors you should consider before picking out your favorite concrete cleaner for your chosen application.


When looking at the best concrete cleaners, it is clear that there are quite a few options to choose from. It is important to decide which one will be most effective for your particular job and surface material. Acids are usually not recommended as they can cause significant damage to the concrete surface and surrounding areas if not used correctly. However, alkaline-based products like trisodium phosphate or sodium hypochlorite may be effective if used in the correct proportions and with safety measures in place for skin and eye protection. Solvent based cleaners work well on oil contaminated concrete but again are difficult to work with. High VOCs, flammability and disposal limitations make solvent based cleaners very challenging to use. On the other hand, cleaning with surfactants or eco-friendly alternatives can save money and still provide excellent cleaning results without risking damage to the environment.

No matter which product is chosen, it is essential to use it correctly and follow instructions for proper application. The effectiveness of any cleaner will rely heavily on how well it was used and how much time was invested in the cleaning process. Ultimately, taking these factors into consideration when choosing the right concrete cleaner for any job will result in perfectly cleaned surfaces every time.

Common Questions and Answers

Are there any natural concrete cleaners?

Yes, there are natural concrete cleaners available. They rely on the power of non-toxic ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and citrus fruits. These types of cleaners break down dirt and grime while being gentle on the environment. They are safe to use and can be used in combination with other cleaning products for extra effectiveness. Microbial cleaners provide a very effective eco-friendly way to clean concrete. These green cleaners or natural concrete cleaners help to avoid harsh chemicals and solvents that can harm surfaces or seep into the ground and contaminate soil or water sources.

Are there any special safety considerations to keep in mind when using concrete cleaners?

Yes, there are special safety considerations to keep in mind when using concrete cleaners. Professional-grade concrete cleaners can be extremely caustic and contain hazardous components, so it is essential to read the product’s label and manufacturer’s instructions before use. It is also important to wear proper clothing (e.g. safety goggles, gloves, long sleeves) and thoroughly ventilate the area during use. Additionally, standing in or near a puddle of cleaner can present a hazard due to the slippery surface, so always exercise caution when walking near wet areas after cleaning. Lastly, spills should be immediately contained and cleaned up with absorbent materials such as sawdust or sand.

What are the differences between the various types of concrete cleaners on the market?

The various types of concrete cleaners on the market vary greatly in terms of effectiveness, cost, and environmental impact. Some of the most common types of concrete cleaners include degreasers, acid-based cleaners, soap-based cleaners, and solvents.

Degreasers are strong chemical compounds that are used to break down oil and grease on concrete surfaces. They are typically more expensive than other options but they are often considered to be the most effective at removing tough stains. It's important to note, however, that degreasers can be caustic and can damage certain types of concrete if used improperly.

Acid-based cleaners use acidic agents such as muriatic or hydrochloric acid to break down dirt and grime on hard surfaces. This type of cleaner is generally gentler than high pH degreasers, but it must still be used carefully since some acids can cause permanent staining or etching on concrete surfaces if left on too long.

Organic-based cleaners contain eco-friendly microbial compounds designed to remove dirt and oil stains from concrete surfaces without damaging the material below. These types of products can deep clean oil contaminated concrete.

Finally, solvents such as mineral spirits can also be used to clean concrete surfaces, although they should only be used as a last resort due to their potential environmental hazards. Solvents are usually quite effective at dissolving oils and other contaminants, but they must be used with caution because they can evaporate quickly and leave behind potentially dangerous chemicals.

In conclusion, there is no single type of concrete cleaner that is ideal for all applications. The best approach is to research the specific needs of your project and select the appropriate cleaner for the job at hand. 

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